Gaul Dermatology

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In the Evening
  • Gently wash the area with a mild cleanser like Vanicream Cleanser.

  • Pierce the packet with a needle and apply Zyclara sparingly.

  • Zyclara should be applied to the specified areas.

  • Do this at least two hours before bedtime and leave on for at least eight hours.

  • Use each night for two weeks, skip two weeks, then repeat for two more weeks.

  • Avoid contact with eyes, nostrils and mouth. Wash your hands as soon as you have finished applying the Zyclara.

  • If you have any remaining, store the Zyclara packet in a zip lock bag between uses.
In the Morning.
  • Gently wash the area with a mild cleanser like Vanicream Cleanser.

  • Apply Vanicream SPF 30 or 60 sunscreen liberally to these areas each morning and throughout the day to keep areas moist and help alleviate discomfort, even if you do not intend to be out in the sun.

  • Avoid sunlight as much as possible. Wear a hat and sunglasses.

Men – You may shave "carefully" if you do not have thick crusting scabs. Shaving may cause additional discomfort and possible bleeding.

Women – Wearing makeup to cover the redness will not deactivate the Carac but it may sting and look worse if the areas are flaking.

Continue using the Vanicream 30 or 60 sunscreen or other recommended sunscreen even after treatment! Prevention is the best medicine.


2004 Hwy Blvd   -   Spencer, IA  51301   -   (712) 262-6906


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